Topical Sermons & Special Guests

Creating a Culture of Evangelism | Acts 8:1-13, 26-40

4/23/2023 - Dr. Steve Horn

Another Resurrection Story | Ezekiel 37:1-14

4/16/2023 - Dr. Steve Horn

Third Day Truths | Luke 24

4/9/2023 Easter Sunday - Dr. Steve Horn

The Hope of the Cross Easter Presentation

4/2/2023 - with FBC Choir and Guest Orchestra

Easter and the Peace of Jesus | John 16:33

3/26/2023 - Dr. Steve Horn

The Significance in the Stop | Matthew 20:29-34

3/19/23 - Dr. Steve Horn

Participating in the Lord’s Supper | 1 Corinthians 11:23-34

3/12/23 - Dr. Steve Horn

So Far, He Has Helped Us | 1 Samuel 7:2-12

3/5/2023 - Dr. Steve Horn

2/26/2023 - Dr. Mark Johnson

Sight Restored | Mark 10:46-52

2/19/2023 - Dr. Matt James

The Power of One Vision | Joshua 14:6-14

2/12/2023 - Dr. Reggie Ogea

How to Get Ready for Your Next Pastor | Hebrews 12:1-3

2/5/2023 - Dr. Reggie Ogea

What Time Is It? | Psalm 90:1-12

1/29/2023 - Rev. Keith Crider

Finally, FBC Family… | 2 Corinthians 13:11-14

01/22/2023 - Pastor Oren Conner

Seeing the Unseen - Rev. Keith Crider - 09/04/2022

Philemon 1:4-22

Christians are never more like Jesus Christ than when they endeavor to attain their potential as encouragers, forgivers, and servants of Christ serving others.

A Kingdom-Minded Church - Pastor Oren Conner - 08/28/2022

Luke 12:32-34

The Why of a Church - Pastor Oren Conner - 08/21/2022

1 Peter 2:9-10

What Happens When We Worship? - Pastor Oren Conner - 06/05/2022

John 4:23-34

Message from Kyle Kirkpatrick - 05/01/2022


Message from Dr. Samuel Thomas - 01/16/2022


The Unfailing Mission of Jesus - Pastor David Rhymes - 01/09/2022

John 10:16

Why did Jesus come? What is his mission? Do his followers have any part to play in it? Pastor David explores John 10:16 and discusses the unfailing mission of Jesus.

No Other God - Pastor Oren Conner - 01/02/2022

Deuteronomy 4:32-40

Lest We Forget - Rev. Keith Crider - 11/28/2021

1 Corinthians 11:24-26

Show Up! Prayer Celebration Service - 10/24/2021

A special prayer celebration to conclude our 21 Days of Prayer emphasis

Together For God’s Glory - 10/17/2021 - Pastor Oren Conner

Ephesians 3:20-21 & Matthew 16:18

Membership Sunday 2021

There have always been questions surrounding the topic of church membership and its necessity in the life of a Chirstian. We are blessed to have been given by God clear instructions in His Word that membership in a local church is not only Biblical, but it is really good for us too! The benefits of church membership far outweigh what we may think it costs us, and in the end we are always better for making a commitment to a local congregation.

Starting With Prayer - 9/5/2021 - Pastor Oren Conner

Acts 1:14 & 2:42

While the act of prayer itself is common among all forms of religion, the Christian form of prayer has a greater purpose and meaning. Because Jesus is our risen and reigning savior who lives to intercede for his people, we have inspiration to pray continually to God because we know that He is listening. Prayer doesn’t fix our problems; but it does humble us so we are faithful to God in every experience of life.

LIGHT IN DARKNESS - 2/28/2021 - Pastor Oren Conner

John 8:12 & Matthew 5:14-16

If the world in which we live seems so dark and filled with uncertainties, well, it is. The good news is that Jesus knows this, and tells us without reservation that He is the light that this world needs. As followers of Jesus, we must recognize that He has made the mission and calling of every person He saves to be light bearers in the darkness of this world. 

A Pastor’s Pledge - 2/21/2021 - Pastor Oren Conner

2 Timothy 4:1-5

The role of a pastor is clearly defined in the scriptures as one who is called by God to preach His Word for the sake of God’s people. The apostle Paul gives his young friend Timothy instructions as to how to live his life as a pastor in God’s church. This calling comes with great blessing and serious responsibility.

A Better Way to Handle Hurt Feelings - 2/14/2021 - Rev. Keith Crider

2 Timothy 4:14-15; 2 Corinthians 13:4-7

What Does Jesus offer? - 2/7/2021 - Pastor David Rhymes

Luke 5:17-26

Are you feeling lonely? Is there something in your life that disconnects you from the ones you love? Are you tired of the endless cycle of trying to do and be better? Jesus' encounter with a paralytic man shows us that He has more to offer us than we could ever imagine.