
A Sermon Series on the Book of 1 Peter

Pastor Oren Conner

Peace to All in Christ - 12/26/2021

1 Peter 5:12-14

What God is Doing - 12/19/2021

1 Peter 5:8-11

When God Exalts His People - 12/05/2021

1 Peter 5:6-7

Human pride is a deadly disease, and there are many confusing and unhelpful pieces of advice out in the world that do little to really solve the problem of pride. Humility is the answer, but what does it mean to be humble? In 1 Peter 5:6-7 we learn that God actually exalts his people when we seek humility in life by surrendering to his protection and submitting to His plan for us.

Humble Servants - 11/21/2021

1 Peter 5:1-5

What does God expect of those who are called his “servants?” Every believer is saved to be a servant, but how are to do this in ways that honor the Lord? We learn from scripture that God’s servants are willing, honest, gentle, and humble in their character, actions, and attitude. Who we are as people of faith matters as much as what we do. Discover how this works in or study of 1 Peter 5:1-5.

Maligned for Glory - 11/14/2021

1 Peter 4:12-19

The expectation for the Christian to rejoice in our suffering seems to cut against everything our world tells us is true. But how do we battle against our natural inclinations to run away or fight suffering with violence? The inspiration for suffering well is that God is glorified in us when we choose His ways over our own, as the Holy Spirit equips us for the task. Faith moves us rather than feelings, and 1 Peter 4:12-19 instructs us on how God is at work in our pain.

Show Up! - 11/7/2021

1 Peter 4:7-11

It has been said by many people in different ways that 80% of success in life is just showing up. Believe it or not, this principle applies to the Christian life in more ways than we might think. God saves sinners and calls us to a life of service for his glory, and He is the one who gifts and equips his people for service. We just have to be willing to Show Up and serve. 1 Peter 4 teaches us how this happens and why it matters

Good News for Dead People - 10/31/2021

1 Peter 4:1-6

There is a stark and unmistakable contrast between a life that is given over to one’s own desires and one which is surrendered by faith to Christ alone. So what’s the real difference? When we surrender to the Lordship of Christ, we are prepared for suffering in life while we GET TO spend our days rejoicing in the good news of the gospel.

Once and For All - 10/10/2021

1 Peter 3:18-22

Each of us loves the idea of being completely self-sufficient and without need of anyone to help us. While we may be able to depend on ourselves for some things in life, the truth is that when it comes to dealing with our sins against God, we all need rescue. Jesus is the ONE who comes to rescue sinners, keeping us safe and bringing us into the family of God.

The Hope Within - 10/03/2021

1 Peter 3:13-17

The path of the Christian faith is often marked by suffering and hardship. There are times when followers of Jesus suffer simply because they choose to obey Christ instead of walking the path of the wicked. When Christians face suffering, we must be prepared to give an answer for the hope of Christ that is in us and is sustaining us through our difficult days.

When You’ve Been Wronged - 09/26/2021 - Pastor David Rhymes

1 Peter 3:8-12

How should I respond when I've been wronged? Is it wrong to want to get even? How do my words reflect my spiritual condition? Peter addresses how Christians are to respond when others wrong them with their words and actions and instructs them to bless rather than seek to get even. 

A Godly Marriage - 09/19/2021

1 Peter 3:1-7

The condition of marriage in our culture today has fallen on hard times. What makes for a healthy and loving marriage is informed by the instruction of scripture, where husbands and wives are addressed directly to fulfill their part in the marriage relationship. The good news is that a godly marriage is designed by God to work out for the happiness and well-being of the family and of society.

Suffering with Jesus - 06/06/2021

1 Peter 2:18-25

Are Christians really called to suffer for the sake of Christ? Many have come to believe that faithfulness to the Lord will prevent suffering in this life, but the Word of God assures us that suffering is unavoidable. So we are commanded to be doing good and suffering graciously through it, just as Christ suffered with grace toward those who caused His pain. By the healing wounds of Jesus, we are able to follow Him in this high and holy calling.

Authority and Honor - 05/30/2021

1 Peter 2:13-17

Many people today wonder how we are to relate to the leaders in our government. Does the Bible give us clear instructions? The book of 1 Peter addresses this issue specifically by calling followers of Christ to honor their leaders, along with all other people, as an example of faithfulness and trust in God.

Honorable Exiles - 5/23/2021

1 Peter 2:11-12

When observing our social order today, it is clear that humans desire to be honored, but few people are talking about what is truly honorable. The Christian faith is built upon eternal truths and principles that expect honorable living of Christ followers, even in the face of ridicule and accusation. 1 Peter encourages Christians to live honorably, so that others may see the goodness of God in His people and praise Him for it.

Into Marvelous Light - 5/16/2021

1 Peter 2:9-10

Identity is the issue of the day, especially as it pertains to individuals defining their own identity and expecting all others to celebrate it with them. But all of the hard work to try to identify oneself shouldn’t be so hard, since God has given us a far greater definition of who we are supposed to be. We can be so much more if we will only trust God’s plan.

A House Alive - 5/9/2021

1 Peter 2:4-8

Why is it that so many of us today are looking for a solid foundation and direction for life but have a hard time knowing where to start? There is good news for us all, since Jesus has told us clearly that He is the cornerstone for life, and in Him we find a strong foundation and significant purpose.

Tasting Goodness - 5/2/2021

1 Peter 2:1-3

What are the signs that someone has true love in their hearts? Sadly, many times we express what amounts to the opposite of love, seeking the harm of others with our words and deeds. Thanks be to God that He has given us a better way to love, which satisfies our souls and compels us to love others as He loves us.

Imperishable Love - 4/25/2021

1 Peter 1:22-25

In the modern age of technology and instant communication, it is hard to understand what is true and what is not. This is especially true when it comes to the many confusing definitions of love. God’s word is clear on what He defines love to be, and 1 Peter helps us to understand what love looks like for those who know Jesus, and why it is possible for each of us to love like God does. 

Ransomed by Blood - 4/18/2021

1 Peter 1:17-21

We’ve all made purchases in life that we regret, and we’ve made a few decisions we wish we could take back as well. But God does not regret his decision to purchase the souls of sinners by the blood of His Son Jesus. The good news for all of us is that Jesus has come to ransom us from our sinful former ways, into a life and relationship with God as part of his family.

Hopeful and Holy - 4/11/2021

1 Peter 1:13-16

What does it mean to be a hopeful person, and what does our hope in this life have to do with holiness? What if your hope was not built on something you must do, but instead on an action that has already been accomplished for you? The Word of God is clear that the purpose for Jesus’ death on the cross was for your own good today and for all your future days. 1 Peter helps us understand what it means to be hopeful and holy people now, shining as lights in our dark world.

Resurrection Glory - 4/4/2021 - Easter Sunday

1 Peter 1:10-12

Our pursuit of glory is part of the way God has designed humankind. But we get it all messed up when we seek the glory for ourselves rather than seeking it IN CHRIST JESUS. In 1 Peter 1:10-12, we see how even the ancient prophets proclaimed for our sake that glory is ours by the sufferings and resurrection of Jesus.

More Precious Than Gold - 3/28/2021

1 Peter 1:6-9

In the suffering of Christ Jesus we see and learn how to live with faith as we endure whatever hardships we face. Jesus shows us how this is possible by his own faithful suffering. The cross of Christ reveals to us just how much God loves us. Peter’s letter encourages Christian believers to remember that their faith in Christ alone is more precious than the purest gold.

Alive with Hope - 3/21/2021

1 Peter 1:3-5

We often encounter circumstances in life that challenge us so deeply that we find it hard to hope in anything good. Our world often views hope as a type of wishful thinking. But Christian hope is concrete and trustworthy because it is established upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:3-5 teaches us that there is so much more to hope in when we trust in Jesus.

Everyday Exiles, Part 2 - 3/14/2021

1 Peter 1:1-2

Every follower of Jesus probably feels at times that this world isn’t our home. Christians have always felt this way, even in the earliest days of the church. What sustains us is an ongoing relationship with God, who never forsakes His people in our days of exile, and freely gives grace and peace to guide us on the way. 1 Peter chapter 1 helps us to see and believe this truth. 

Everyday Exiles - 3/7/2021

Introduction to 1 Peter

Since the earliest days of the Christian church, people of Christian faith have felt very much like strangers in this world. The book of 1 Peter calls the church “exiles.” Jesus even said that his people would experience trials, persecution, and rejection by the world. What does it mean for followers of Jesus to live as everyday exiles in this world?